Sep 17Liked by Sarah Connor

10) The Death of Truth & AI. So many AI programs are producing results that are nonsensical or altogether inaccurate that there is now a term for it – “AI Hallucinations”. There are several ways this can happen. But one of the most common and worrying is when AI programs scoop up misinformation and thinks it is factual. cf. “What are AI hallucinations?” https://www.ibm.com/topics/ai-hallucinations)

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Sep 12Liked by Sarah Connor

1) infrastructure - I'm not worried about the bridges because in 26 years there won't be any cars on the road. The electric grid is so obsolete and neglected that it will never be able to support the all electrical society envisioned by Biden. Not forgetting piers but wharfs and support facilities for marine shipping which I will be destroyed by sea level rise and hurricanes.

2) Florida citrus industry nearly destroyed.

In Hawaii coffee has been reduced in yield by 50 percent by a beetle, and now a leaf fungus. Along with what appears to be a change in growing season caused by temp. Increase.

Avocado are suffering and dying from a leaf blight.

Ohia trees are almost all dead from a fungal infection.

Coral reefs are dying from tourists sunscreen and pollution from golf courses, pesticides and water temperature increase.

Bees are dying of from an introduced mite and pesticides.

Banana are dying and being attacked by a virus.

3) Extraordinarily warm weather

Not that I know (reported by media)of but having been here for 20 years and never been uncomfortable in that time, the last 2 months I have been almost every day.

.4) Wildfire smoke in Sao Paulo

Thankfully we have the volcano to cover up the wildfire smoke.

5) Levees

Have to pass on this one unless houses getting washed away by tsunamis or hurricanes count.

6) See #2

7) Childcare

Why is it that both parents have to work? The next step will be for 8 year olds to join the workforce to make ends meet and so no need for child care. On the job training will eliminate the need for education as well.

8) 'lectricity

One of my favorites for Hawaii.

Supposedly 50 percent green wind and solar Hawaii has the most expensive electric costs in the country. A model for the rest of the country to follow.

9) Unusual and unpredictable North Atlantic weather patterns

Not here yet but we can hope. When the AMOC dies the Atlantic may move to the Pacific.

10) Truth

Truth is what we are told to believe. No thinking required.

11) insect apocalypse

Hawaii has plenty to share. Help yourself. Mostly imports.

12) End of Midwest US grain production approaching

This will be truly catastrophic for Hawaii. No more pizza for tourists.


14) Sniper

Thankfully Hawaii doesn't have any overpasses. A survivalist could never survive here due to the inadequate food supply in the jungle from overused pesticide and real estate developments.

15) See #1

The maui fires were caused by the lack of attention by the county government of overgrown and dried grass all the way up to the border of Lahaina. The government had been warned about the situation for over 5 years and nothing was done about it.

16) Education

Education is now indoctrination. Just a different word. It's working fabulous!

17) Prison system

The US is the world leader in incarceration. You can do months or years here for a traffic stop. If you don't end up dead. Besides, Maytag needs workers for its assembly line.

And now we can house the homeless people there for a mere $80,000 per year. The supreme court says so.

The government answer to all the above ?


That's all from PARADISE!

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Particularly interested in number 16. Do you have a link or more info?

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Oops, obviously, the article is about the whole world, but focusing mainly on America. Sorry.

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I got confused; I thought this was about America, then it seemed to be about the UK? But then, I suppose they follow each other closely, so maybe it doesn't matter.

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